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Day Workshop with Daniela Lüthi, July 3 2022, Zurich Switzerland [IN-PERSON]

Day Workshop with Daniela Lüthi 🌹

“Find Your Personal Daily Practice”

Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Cacao Ceremony, Movement Medicine and more 🤩

July 3, 2022

Zurich, Switzerland



Daniela Lüthi describes the workshop in her own beautiful words 💫:

“What a crazy time we all choose to live in! We probably all agree that life in these last years has been very demanding. What has helped me on a daily basis is my personal spiritual practice, to anchor myself in the here and now, again and again. I really believe that a daily practice benefits us in an unbelievable way; aligns body, heart and mind; gives us resilience to deal with what is in front of us. Of course, there is no practice that works for everyone, that’s why in this workshop you will explore what you need on a personal level.

We will start the day with some ceremonial raw Cacao, which is considered a strong medicine to open the heart and clear the mind, practice Yoga Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Movement Medicine.

Dedicating a day to find a way to support yourself, you will walk out of this workshop with your personalized daily practice.

Please bring something vegetarian for a shared lunch, a notebook and pen.”

Daniela Lüthi describes the workshop in her own beautiful words, auf Deutsch 💫:

"Was für eine verrückte Zeit um auf dieser Erde zu leben. Wir sind uns sicher alle einig, dass die letzen Jahre sehr anspruchsvoll waren. Was mir persönlich enorm geholfen hat und immer noch hilft, ist meine tägliche spirituelle Praxis. Sich jeden Tag im hier und jetzt zu verankern, Köper, Herz, und Geist zu verbinden, stärkt und macht uns Widerstandsfähig. Natürlich gibt es keine Praxis die für jeden funktioniert, darum erkundest du in diesem Workshop was du brauchst.

Wir starten den Tag mit ceremonial Cacao, eine kraftvolle Medizin um mit unserem Herzen in Verbindung zu kommen und den Geist zu klären. Weiter geht es mit Yoga Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Movement Medicine und mehr.

Du hast einen Tag um zu erkunden wast du persönlich brauchst um dich in deinem Alltag zu unterstützen und wirst den Workshop mit deiner eigenen täglichen Praxis verlassen.

Bitte bring etwas vegetarisches für ein gemeinsames Mittagessen, ein Notizbuch und Stift.”

Daniela Lüthi has been practicing Yoga and conscious dancing for over 30 years.

She has been trained in Iyengar, Sivananda, Vinyasa, Anusara Yoga and more, teaching Yoga for 22 years with retreats all over the world. One of Zürich’s first Kirtan bands, The Shakti Shuttlez, was co-founded by Daniela with her friends. The Bakti Yoga path with the singing of Mantras is very precious to her. Daniela studied Movement Medicine in the UK for 7 years since and has done several shamanic trainings in Europe and South America. For the last two and a half years Daniela is based in Australia where she is teaching Yoga and Movement Medicine.

This is her only workshop in Europe in 2022.

For more info about Daniela, please check here.

We have limited capacity for this event, so please register early.

Day Workshop with Daniela Lüthi 🌹

“Find Your Personal Daily Practice”

Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Cacao Ceremony, Movement Medicine and more 🤩

July 3, 2022

Zurich, Switzerland


Sunday 10:00-17:00

with lunch break


Early Bird Price: CHF 200.-  (by 24.06.2022)

Regular price: CHF 230.-

Location: STAMBHA Lake Temple (STAMBHA LIFE ACADEMY CENTER), Seefeldstrasse 231, 8008 Zurich [In-Person]

Please fill in the following form for workshop registration:

Registration Form